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Photo of a person holding a credit card. Photo of a person holding a credit card.

UzziPay Innovates in Banking Services

Construction of the organization’s main BaaS product is one of the examples of CWI’s work.

The story with Grupo Rovema and CWI goes far beyond software. With a lot of dedication and sweat, confidence was built to work on some aspects of the business. In this article, the group’s financial line will be evolved and deepened, which counts on the help of CWI for its success.

Uzzipay, a financial institution of the Rovema Group, serves as a monetary arm to serve the corporation’s companies. With great aspirations, this initiative started with some limitations, but has already evolved a lot and only tends to grow.

The path to digital innovation

The partnership with Grupo Rovema began at the end of 2019, with the intention of improving the company’s services. CWI has already started working on fronts of Uzzipay, seeking to increase business revenue and facilitate essential actions.

Over these almost 4 years of history, CWI has worked on three of the group’s plans. The first was focused on the construction of internet banking, the second on the evolution of the PJ Portal (Legal Entity) and the third immersed in the implementation of PIX and supervision of Uzzipay cards.

For some time, there were other software engineering companies working in conjunction with the CWI team. However, as new responsibilities emerged and competencies were demonstrated, we became the only one at the client.
Illustrative image of Uzzipay cards.
Two smartphones display screens from the Uzzipay website.

CWI working with internet banking and building PIX API

Our operations are oriented towards innovation, working in areas such as internet banking, banking services and as a service. We also execute support work with a dedicated squad, which contributes to greater customer awareness.

We participated in the entire construction of UzziPay’s main BaaS product, the flagship IP of the Rovema Group. Today, the PIX API is used in several UzziPay corporate clients, from retail points of sale, as well as hybrid billing slips (barcode + QRCode PIX).

We are currently working to include QRCode PIX UzziPay in POS machines. With the QRCode PIX being paid, within 10 seconds, the API notifies the payment (webhook) and the credit of the amounts becomes available in the Customer’s corporate current account. We also implemented the functionality where all API PIX values ​​received by the Customer are automatically transferred daily to an external banking address.

There are also internet banking services, which are very complete as they include bill payment, payroll payment and PIX area, with receipts and payments, in addition to the generation of QR codes.

Some of the technologies used for the production and maintenance of services are .NET, for back-end, with AWS and MongoDB databases. The structure is entirely in EKS, ECS and front-end in Angular, consequently in JavaScript and TypeScript, with mobility in Flutter.

What’s next?

With many ambitions, the Rovema Group wishes to expand its recognition and activities beyond the North of the country. To achieve this, UzziPay must evolve as a Payment Institution, an entity that allows countless possibilities for operating with financial services, and keep its functions active and updated.

CWI assists in this transition and product evolution, contributing to better performance of the technological systems offered by the group.
A payment machine displays the Uzzipay logo.

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Technologies used in the project

To achieve the client's desired result in this project, these were some of the technologies used.

  • .NET logo.


  • AWS logo.


  • Angular logo.


  • JavaScript logo.


  • TypeScript logo.


  • Flutter logo.


  • Amazon EC2 logo.

    Amazon EC2

  • EKS logo.


  • MongoDB logo.


Facade of the CWI Software building at the São Leopoldo office. Facade of the CWI Software building at the São Leopoldo office.

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